Thursday, May 9, 2013

Make a difference!

I recently posted a comment on a friends facebook update about how wonderful it must be for her to feel like she is making a difference in the world.  My friends name is April Perry and the main writer of  She recently posted a "Your Children Want You!"  post, in which she talks about her feelings as a mom and how she feels that she comes up short and fails in her parenting in so many ways.  However, as she shares these thoughts, she also tells about what makes her mom wonderful and about wonderful mommy moments she has had, and all of her special experiences don't have anything to do with what size pants she wears, or the decorations around the house, or the sweet smells coming from her kitchen as a result of her amazing cooking skills.
I really appreciated her words, and the post was such a wonderful reminder of what is really important.  Mother's Day is coming, and I hope you all can read her post and realize that YOU make the mom, not the stuff around you.

1 comment:

  1. Ang, you are becoming a Facebook freak. How fun for you! I'm glad you are making time to do this because it improves your writing skills. I noticed that your English is great, no spelling or grammar errors. Good goin'. (I'm her mom so I can say that.)
